
Unmatched Quality and Support

Hear What Our Customers Have to Say

We measure our success by the smiles on our customers’ faces. Don’t take our word for it read what our satisfied customers have to say about their Geetha Ceramics experience. We value your trust and strive to exceed your expectations.

manan vijay
manan vijay

From a customer's perspective, Geetha Ceramics in Vellore is top-notch from start to finish. Their sales team is attentive and knowledgeable, guiding you through their extensive selection of tiles and bathroom fixtures with ease.

Bharath Patel
Bharath Patel

Premium collection with affordable price. One stop solution for ur tile and sanitaryware needs. Staffs are very friendly and they guided me to buy the right product of tile, sanitaryware & cp fittings.

Saravanan Annamalai
Saravanan Annamalai

I have purchased Tiles, Granites and Sanitaryware stuffs from this Shop. Good Quality and price is also very competitive and reasonable. Customer service is very good. I am happy to recommed this shop.

RajaRajan B
RajaRajan B

It's a biggest shop in vellore city for tiles, stones, and cp fittings. Branded product's only available. They are not selling non branded product's. Good response, customer service, door delivery also available here.